Monday, May 7, 2012

Free the Cuban Five

Throughout our trip, we saw posters and billboards with the slogan, Free the Cuban Five, and photographs of the five men imprisoned by the United States. On our last night at a private paladar dinner, we were approached by a Canadian woman who demanded that we make efforts to change our government policy concerning the embargo and concerning the imprisoned men.

Research here at home led to: The International Action Center, founded by Ramsey Clark, in 1992.  Posted on their website is an article by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice of City University of New York, titled, "The CUBAN 5: Why a global movement demands freedom for these political prisoners in the U.S." A rally was planned for Washington, D.C. for April 17-21, while we were on this trip. See the link below which gives some idea of the political forces operating, probably in Florida by Cuban expatriates.

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