Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Cars, truck, bus, motorbikes. COST of GAS.

This unusual chariot was parked outside the hotel, waiting for tourists to take the opportunity of riding in it.  What model car is this, and what year?

Once back in the U.S., a neighbor researched and discovered this photo of a shiny 1934 Packard parked in a showroom.

This converted truck provides bus transportation for many of the Cuban people.



Ordinary transportation versus Tourist transportation.

There were plenty of non-U.S. autos in Cuba, but very few were photographed.

How much does gas cost in Cuba?  Gas costs $1.00 CUC per liter.  You would need 3.785 liters to equal 1 gallon.  Or, $3.785 CUCs per gallon. At first glance, comparable to U.S.  But, paying with our converted money, each U.S. dollar would be worth $.873 CUCs, because of the surcharge.  In the end, $3.785 divided by $.873 = $4.335 U.S. per gallon.  Is that right?

See the name of the gas?  Oro Negro.  Black Gold.


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